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Old Coventry Photo Gallery - Page 1

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The old cathedral spire. (So nice, I photographed it twice... well, actually, lots of times!)
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Steven's photo

Looking out of the west entrance of St. Michael's ruins.

Steven's Photo
The same spire seen over Brown's cafe in Jordan Well.

Steven's photo

Swanswell gate.right arrow
Steven's photo

Holy Trinity Church, Broadgate.
Steven's photo

Whitefriars monastery. right arrow
Steven's photo

Coventry Cross with Trinity spire behind it.
Steven's photo

Christchurch Spire seen from Warwick Road. right arrow

And below is Christchurch Spire again, this time from the Greyfriars Lane, right next to Ford's Hospital.

Steven's Photo

Here is Ford's Hospital, a very old beautiful building. Old ladies have lived here for nearly 500 years, but on August 28th 2006 they moved out for a day while David Tennant spent some time in there filming for an episode of BBC's Doctor Who to be shown in 2007!
Steven's Photo Steven's Photo

Steven's photo

The old cathedral spire again.... but with an "arty" touch!
Steven's photo

Next to the old cathedral is St. Mary's Guildhall, and here are some of the lovely windows inside.

Steven's Photo
Spon Street is a very interesting place with lots of very old shops. Some were moved here from other streets instead of just being knocked down.

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