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Steve Orland's Lichfield Cathedral Photo Gallery

Steven's photo

After getting my Olympus 4040 camera for Christmas 2004, I couldn't wait to try it out. Our first special outing was to Lichfield to see their lovely cathedral.
As we walked from the car park, this was the first view of it that we had. right arrow

Steven's photo

It has a nice pond next to it and there were loads of ducks and swans there that day. left arrow

When we got round to the front of the church.... WOW! What a sight!
The front has lots of very fine details, too.
Steven's Photo Steven's Photo
The statues on the front are not very old though - they were only added one or two centuries ago.

Steven's photo

When you step inside, you can see it has a magnificent interior, too! right arrow

Steven's photo

Steven's photo

As we walked around inside, there are lots of attractive things to look at; - Stained glass windows, carved statues and tombs, and because it was Christmas, they even had a model Nativity scene. (Below.)

Steven's photo

Steven's Photo

Steven's photo

When we get to the apse at the far end of the cathedral, we can try to imagine that our Coventry Cathedral used to have one a bit like this before it got bombed on Thursday 14th November 1940. right arrow

Steven's photo

And here is our own Coventry Cathedral Apse as it looks today. (Actually, this photo was taken the day before we went to Lichfield.) right arrow

Steven's photo

Here's the first photograph again. My dad turned it into an old fashioned looking photo because I think sometimes pictures look nicer like this!

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