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The photo above is taken in Priory Row, you see can the ruins of Coventry's first Cathedral, St. Mary's Priory, and which the former Blue Coat School is built on top of.
The view here is the space underneath the old tower of St. Mary's Priory. Blue Coat was built on top of the remains of this tower.
These next two photos are of the remaining part of Whitefriars Monastery.
In the photo on the left, the rubble on the ground used to be a massive church used by the monks which was next to the building still standing.
The part that's left now was only part of the cloister of the monastery. A cloister was an enclosed square where they would get peace and quiet and do some studying.
The picture below shows the gateway that leads to the monastery. Whitefriars Gate is now used as a Toy Museum.
Christchurch Spire again on a sunny day.
Quite near to Christchurch is Cheylesmore Manor House. This part remaining was only the gateway to the manor and is it now used as the Coventry Register Office. My Mum and Dad got married there.
The old cathedral twice more.... with the sun behind it making a silhouette.
St. John's Church in Fleet Street also looks good with nice sunlight on it. This shot was not taken by me but my Dad, Rob Orland, whose website is the renowned Historic Coventry.
At the corner of Bihop Street and Hales Street is another of Coventry's oldest buildings. Everyone knows it as the Old Grammar School, but it used to be the Hospital of St. John.
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